Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Some new stuff you may like


2012 is here, I hope everything goes according to yours new year plans and that the world doesn’t end, there are a couple of things I want to do before I die actually.

This last week I started watching a tv series called Misfits, is British so for me is quite hard to understand, my ears are custom to American english, but you know if you get the context and what is happening you don’t need to understand every word they are saying, I think. Misfits is in its third season and is very cool. Is about some guys that have to do community service for some criminal stuff they did, and a very strange storm came and they all got a super power, and the super power is linked to something they want or miss. They aren’t the only ones who got powers, there are a lot of people affected by the storm but most of the powers they got are harmless. There are like 7 episodes per season so you can get up to date very fast, well am only finishing the first season but I highly recommend you to give it a try.

So in the spirit of new things here are some new series I like: Homeland, Pan Am, The Walking Dead (well not that new), Ringer, Revenge, American Horror Story, Terra Nova (maybe is cancelled) and The Killing.

Homeland, is about the CIA branch trying to stop terrorists, and the main character (an agent) is certain that that the newly US hero is a terrorist. Pan Am is about the pilots and flight attendants in the 60’s, maybe it sounds boring but there is a back story about the cold war that makes this series watchable. The Walking Dead… well zombies, what else? Ringer, the main character sees a murder and is the main witness so she is in protected custody but she knows that she isn’t save so she escapes from the police and the murderer, and goes to her twin sister for help, the sister kills herself and she takes her place, but it seems that her sister was also involve in something bad. Revenge is a bout this girl who wants to, turum tum tum, revenge her father who was accused of founding terrorism, so she takes a new identity and gets into this social circle of betrayal and starts destroying peoples lives from the inside, but some things don’t go that well. American Horror Story, if you like creepy things this series you will like. Terra Nova, Dinosaurs!!!!! Well maybe this series will be cancelled, so if I where you I would wait if it gets renewed. The Killing, a murder, many suspects and politicians involved, a very refreshing police series. 

In the lighter side there aren’t many new comedies that worth it, I started to watch New Girl and it got future, and Up All Night for those fans of Christina Applegate. There are a few starting this month like Are you there Chelsea? With Donna of That ‘70s Show. So in this subject I recommend you to get up to speed with the good old comedy series.

Have a great start this year!!!!!

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