Monday, March 14, 2016

I'm back!


So, it has been like 4 years since my last post, some series have ended, others have been cancelled and for better or for worse there are always new ones.

In the last couple of years superhero series, or Marvel and DC characters (mostly DC), have become the new focus of young, and not so young audience. Arrow, Agents of SHIELD, The Flash, Agent Carter, Jessica Jones, Daredevil, Supergirl, between others. I love it, I'm a big fan of action movies.

I'm from Spain and only last year Netflix came into my life. Even though it doesn't have the extensive catalogue as the US or Canada it's pretty great. Every week they add something new and their original movies or series are available fairly quickly, excluding some series they had sold to other tv channels before they came to Spain, like House of Cards and Orange is the new black. I think Netflix subscription is very cheap as in the rest of the world (I have the 4 accounts subscription and is about 12€).

Netflix resurfaced my love for documentaries, there are tons, the first one I watched was Making a Murderer, it is a series but a documentary also. It's OK, boring at times but overall interesting. One documentary I loved was Going Clear, I didn't knew anything about Scientology and of course is a bias way to get any knowledge about it but I believed everything about it. And there are a lot of documentaries about how badly we eat and how everything is full of sugar and the overweight problem in the US , they are cool too but if you watch maybe two of them I think t you have seen it all. Another good one is The Propaganda Game, about North Korea, I like it, very informative.

I hope I won't forget about writing again.


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