Wednesday, March 14, 2012

A little bit of everything

Let’s start with books. I’m now in the middle of the 3rd and final book of The Hunger Games, it’s excellent, if you have the time to read the first book before the movie release it would be great, if you can’t or won’t I recommend you to go to see the movie at the movie theatre, I think and hope that it would be very very good, I can’t wait to see it, I’m very exited about it.

In the gaming subject I haven’t played a lot lately but I finished Halo and now I’m playing Half-life 2, I have played Half-life before, as always it has its annoying parts, but overall I like it.

Web comics… it’s a never ending story, I keep finding new ones, and I keep spending money on them. I’m stopping buying stuff, for a little while, je!

TV-wise. Well you may know that Terra Nova was cancelled, I think it was the right call, is an expensive and no so great series. A few weeks ago started a series called The River, is quite good, it has a little of Lost supernatural mystery, but I’m afraid that the ideas will run out fast, we will see. Another new series is Smash, my friend tells me that he think that is a Glee for grownups, jejeje, well I can only say that if you like musicals this might be the series for you ;-)

This weekend is a long one thanks to father’s day or San José here in Spain, and soon is Easter, so enjoy and be careful.

It has been more than a month since my last post so this time I’m covering myself…

Have a great month!!!!!!